The Power of the Observer Mindset

Unlocking Spiritual Growth for Wellness Practitioners

In the spring of 2023, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and I found myself returning to a practice that has become fundamental in both my personal and professional journey—the Observer Mindset.

Grounded in mindfulness and spiritual practices, this concept has profoundly influenced how I approach life and how I guide others in theirs. 

While my book, The Healer’s Playbook, explores various aspects of mindfulness and self-awareness, I want to delve deeper into the Observer Mindset here as an additional resource for those navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and spiritual growth.

The Origin of the Observer Mindset

The term "Observer Mindset" is often associated with mindfulness practices and is widely discussed in the context of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and meditation. It's about cultivating a state of awareness where you can step back and view your thoughts, emotions, and actions without immediate judgment or reaction. This concept encourages a deeper understanding of oneself and one's surroundings, allowing for more thoughtful and deliberate responses to life’s challenges.

Viktor E. Frankl, a renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, encapsulates this idea beautifully in his quote: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

This mindset is closely linked to the practice of mindfulness, as popularized by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Mindfulness helps individuals break free from automatic reactions and habitual thought patterns, fostering greater clarity and insight.

Applying the Observer Mindset in Your Life

As entrepreneurs and wellness practitioners, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of running a business while also striving to maintain a sense of balance and inner peace. The Observer Mindset offers a way to step back and view challenges with curiosity and openness rather than judgment and frustration.

Here’s how you can integrate the Observer Mindset into your daily life:

  1. Recognize Your Expectations: Consider areas in your life—whether spiritual, emotional, financial, or physical—where expectations might be hindering growth. What changes can you make to embrace the journey with more patience and persistence?

  2. Reflect on Reactions: Think about a situation where discomfort or resistance arose in your recent spiritual practice. How did you react initially? Imagine yourself as an impartial observer in that situation. What creative dimensions can you explore to release resistance and allow your journey to flow more freely?

  3. Journal Your Thoughts: Take a few moments to jot down your thoughts and emotions regarding your spiritual journey. Are there aspects that feel unclear or challenging? Writing them down can help you see patterns and areas where the Observer Mindset can provide clarity.

  4. Seek External Perspective: Consider reaching out to someone in your spiritual community or a trusted friend. Share your reflections and express any changes you believe are necessary for your growth. How does this external communication impact your internal dialogue?

  5. Track Your Progress: What method will you use to track your progress, and how will you ensure consistent recording of your daily goals and commitments? Reflect on the connection between meeting your commitments and your stress levels. Can you identify patterns or shifts in stress on days of adherence versus lapses?

  6. Adjust Your Goals: Based on your observations, what adjustments will you make to ensure realistic goals? How does this strategic approach provide you with a clear direction for continuous improvement?

Recommended Reading for the Observer Mindset

To deepen your understanding of the Observer Mindset and mindfulness practices, I recommend the following books:

Navigating the path of entrepreneurship can be both rewarding and challenging, but you don’t have to go it alone. My passion lies in helping wellness entrepreneurs like you stay connected to your "why" while creating strategies that lead to sustainable growth and impact.

Together, we can craft a clear vision for your business, align your actions with your core values, and develop routines that support your unique needs.

If you're ready to do this work and achieve your goals with intention, I invite you to schedule a 15-minute discovery call. Let’s explore how my strategic coaching can empower you to create a thriving, purpose-driven business while staying true to your authentic self.


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