Know Your Worth

Steps to Build a Thriving and Sustainable Wellness Business

When I first began my journey in the wellness industry, I quickly realized that many healers and practitioners often struggle with pricing their services and understanding their value. It’s something I hear time and again from those who come to me for guidance—how do I charge for what I do? How do I support myself while staying true to my calling?

These questions inspired me to create Wellness Culture and write The Healer’s Playbook. I want you to know how to support yourself, feel grounded in your offerings, and build a sustainable business that honors both your gifts and your financial needs. 

There’s no shame in starting small, perhaps even keeping a regular job as you build your wellness business, on the side. Stability in your life creates the groundedness you need to serve your clients effectively and with integrity.

Understanding Your Value

The first step in building a sustainable business is recognizing the unique value you bring to the table. Think about what makes your work special. Consider your experience, education, and any specialized skills you have developed. It’s essential to acknowledge the time, energy, and expertise you provide to your clients.

For example, if you’re a yoga teacher with a decade of experience and advanced meditation training, your services hold a different value compared to someone just starting out. Understanding this allows you to price your offerings in a way that reflects their true worth.

Practical Steps for Setting Your Prices

Pricing your services can feel overwhelming, especially when you see others charging differently. However, the key is to base your prices on the value you provide, not on comparisons with others. Here are some practical steps to help you set your prices:

  1. Understand Your Value: Identify your unique skills, knowledge, and the impact you have on your clients. Reflect on the results your clients achieve through working with you.

  2. Research the Market: Use tools like FYPM,, and LinkedIn to research what others in your field are charging. This will give you a baseline, but don’t feel pressured to match others’ prices—your value may well exceed the market average.

  3. Build a Pricing Structure: Decide whether you’ll charge by the hour, offer package deals, or use value-based pricing. Consider the time and energy involved in delivering your services, as well as the market demand.

The Perfect Offer Matrix

One of the most insightful tools I’ve come across for evaluating your business offerings is the Perfect Offer Matrix. This tool, shared by Wellness Culture Mentor, Amy Porter, during one of our first mentorship groups, is designed to help you assess and prioritize your offers based on various criteria. The matrix ensures that you're not only profitable but also enjoying and sustaining the work you do.

This matrix is a straightforward way to brainstorm and evaluate all the potential offers in your business. By ranking each offer on a scale from 1 to 5 across different categories, you can get a clear picture of which offers are worth pursuing and which may need to be adjusted or set aside.

When you begin to evaluate your offerings using this matrix, start by listing out all your current or potential offers. Once you've scored each offer across the categories, add up the totals. The offers with the highest scores are the ones that align most closely with your goals and strengths.

Building a Sustainable Business

It’s important to remember that building a wellness business doesn’t have to happen all at once.

Dream big, but also take the time to get organized and grounded. This will ensure that your work is sustainable and that you can continue to serve others from a place of strength and balance.

Use the Perfect Offer Matrix to identify which services and offerings will best support you in your journey. And if you ever feel overwhelmed, remember that help is available. Whether through mentorship, resources, or a conversation with a trusted advisor, you don’t have to navigate this path alone.

If you’re interested in further guidance on how to structure your offerings, and pricing, or need support staying connected to your "why," I invite you to schedule a 15-minute discovery call.

Let’s connect on how I can support you in achieving your goals while staying true to your authentic self.


The Power of the Observer Mindset


Marketing Strategies for Wellness Practitioners