Boost Creativity and Productivity

High-Performance Habits for Wellness Entrepreneurs

When I transitioned from a decade in the corporate and banking industries to the wellness space, I carried with me a wealth of knowledge about business acumen, structure, discipline, and the importance of scheduling.

High-performing individuals in these fields often emphasize, “If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t happen.”

This principle holds undeniable truth in a fast-paced, results-driven environment. However, as I shifted into the world of wellness and creativity, I faced a new challenge: how to blend these high-performance habits with the ebb and flow of creative energy, the cycles of life, and the need for spaciousness in our work.

The Story of Balance

During one of my early days working at Chopra Global, Dr. Deepak Chopra's company, I found myself surrounded by wellness practitioners—each deeply connected to their craft but struggling with the practical aspects of running a business. They were visionaries, healers, and creatives who thrived in their work but felt overwhelmed by the need to structure their time and tasks.

The rigid systems I had relied on in the corporate world seemed out of place in this more fluid environment, and I knew there had to be a way to honor both the structure needed to achieve our goals and the flexibility required to let creativity and healing flourish.

This realization inspired one of the foundational concepts in The Healer’s Playbook—combining the high-performance scheduling principles I learned in the corporate world with space for creativity, intuition, and the natural cycles of life. This approach helps bring our dreams from the ether (Vata), into action (Pitta), and finally ground them (Kapha) with a solid, practical plan.

Enhancing Productivity Through Energy and Calendar Mapping

In both life and business, understanding how your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day can drastically improve not just your productivity but also your overall well-being. This is what I refer to as Energy + Calendar Mapping, an approach that combines time management with an awareness of your personal energy cycles.

Just as Greg McKeown discusses in Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, it’s not just about doing more but about doing what truly matters most effectively. This begins with recognizing when you are most creative, most analytical, or most reflective, and aligning your tasks with these natural rhythms.

Identify Your Energy Peaks:

  • Are you most creative in the morning when your mind is fresh?

  • Do you find your productivity peaks in the afternoon after you’ve settled into the day?

  • Or are you a night owl, finding your flow in the quiet hours of the evening?

By scheduling your most important tasks during these peak times, or days of the week, you can harness your natural energy and create a workflow that feels more intuitive and less forced.

Embrace Your Unique Rhythm

In The Healer’s Playbook, I emphasize that you don’t need to change yourself just because others are doing things a certain way. For example, you might hear that successful people start their day at 5 a.m., but if your natural rhythm doesn’t align with that, you don’t need to force it. This is especially true when considering your dosha mind-body type and your unique human design.

After having my human design chart done by the incredible Samantha Baizer Swidler, I learned that everyone has a different way of creating a routine based on their unique composition. For instance, with my design, I’ve discovered that my mornings are best spent checking in with myself and assessing what I need for that day rather than sticking to the exact same routine every morning. This flexibility allows me to honor my flow and achieve the best results. If you’re curious about how your unique design can shape your routine, I highly recommend booking a session with Samantha here.

The Power of Calendar Blocking

Calendar blocking is another tool I advocate for in The Healer’s Playbook. It’s a simple yet powerful technique where you dedicate specific blocks of time to particular tasks. This not only helps you manage your time better but also ensures that you’re not constantly switching gears, which can drain your energy.

Here’s the key: Calendar blocking isn’t about rigidly sticking to a schedule but rather about creating a structure that supports your creative flow. It’s about giving yourself permission to be both productive and flexible, allowing you to respond to the natural ebb and flow of your energy and inspiration.

  • Morning Clarity: Block time for creative or strategic thinking.

  • Afternoon Productivity: Use this period for tasks that require focus and execution.

  • Evening Reflection: Set aside time for journaling, planning, or meditative practices.

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Addressing Procrastination

Procrastination often stems from a place of perfectionism or fear—two common obstacles I see in the clients I work with. Many spiritual practitioners delay putting their work out into the world, not because of a lack of dedication, but because they want it to be perfect. They fear that if it’s not flawless, it’s not worthy.

In reality, progress is more valuable than perfection. Imperfection is part of the human experience, and it’s through our flaws that we connect with others. As I’ve learned and shared in The Healer’s Playbook, the act of moving forward, even imperfectly, is what builds momentum. Set realistic goals, create a schedule that encourages regular progress, and remember: Done is better than perfect.

Final Thoughts: Building a Foundation for Success

At the end of the day, the goal is to create a life and business that reflects your deepest values while also leaving room for creativity, spontaneity, and growth. By integrating energy mapping, calendar blocking, and a realistic approach to goal setting, you create a foundation that supports both your professional and personal aspirations.

If this feels overwhelming, start with one goal. Remember, at Wellness Culture, we’ve vetted experts who can support you in your marketing and business needs. You don’t have to do it all alone.

By focusing on these foundational strategies, you can create a simple or integrated plan that supports you and aligns with your current needs. There’s no need to compare yourself to others—trust that you have the support here to guide you. Revisit and incorporate new elements into your plan as you feel ready.

For more insights and actionable strategies, dive deeper into Book Resources—for continued support in creating and maintaining thriving and purpose-driven lives.


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